EAI International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety, Ethics, and Regulations

Background and Motivation:

Over the past decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant advancements, leading to widespread discussion about the potential challenges posed by Generative AI and other advanced intelligent systems that surpass human comprehension. While AI has the potential to enhance productivity and success rates, there has been a notable increase in its malicious applications, including AI-based cyberattacks and manipulative technologies such as Deepfakes. These developments have sparked debates about existential threats to humanity, prompting researchers to explore effective regulatory measures and specific research and development (R&D) initiatives to prevent the uncontrolled use of AI. From a technical standpoint, research efforts have primarily focused on AI Safety and the intersection of intelligent systems with cybersecurity. Additionally, the relationship between humans and AI raises ethical considerations, bringing them into the same sphere of discussion. Consequently, there is a significant opportunity for interdisciplinary research that addresses AI safety, ethics, societal impacts, and regulatory solutions. Addressing these issues is an urgent priority, necessitating international collaboration among researchers to discuss ongoing work and future possibilities.

Topics and Scope:

  • Secure communication systems for emergency alerts in health care.
  • Location-aware systems for efficient emergency services in health care.
  • Wearable computing with fall detection for health research.
  • Smart ambulances equipped with real-time patient monitoring.
  • Smart pill dispensers for personalized medication management.
  • Genetic testing and personalized health monitoring based on individual health profiles.
  • Mobile apps for personalized health recommendations.
  • Context-aware systems adapting interventions based on individual needs.
  • Protection of genetic and personalized health data from unauthorized access.
  • Telemedicine and Virtual Health.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring.
  • AR and VR technologies for virtual healthcare experience.
  • Smart Hospitals and Infrastructure.
  • Safeguarding connected medical devices from cyber threats.
  • Natural interfaces for intuitive user experiences.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, AI Safety, AI Ethics, AI Regulations, Deep Learning, Generative AI, Adversarial Attacks, Deepfake, AI Hack

Full Paper Submission deadline: 1 July 2024
Notification deadline: 1 August 2024
Camera-ready deadline:  1 September 2024

Dates: October 9-10, 2024
Location: Dubrovnik, Croatia

Name, affiliation, and e-mail address of each organizer:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Utku Kose, College of Engineering and Mines, University of North Dakota, USA
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Prof. Dr. Omer Deperlioglu, Afyon Vocational School, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Paper Submission:
Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the Springer format (see Author’s kit section).

Selection criteria:
The selection criteria for papers in this workshop includes:

  • Papers should align with the overall theme and focus areas of the conference and workshop.
  • Papers that introduce new ideas, methodologies, or technologies are often favored.
  • Papers should provide clear details on research methods, data collection, and analysis.
  • The practical relevance and applicability of the research to real-world problems are often considered.
  • Papers should demonstrate ethical research conduct and ensure the appropriate use of data and
  • methodologies.
  • Plagiarism policy for the workshop papers correspond to the plagiarism policy of the main conference.

Timeline (Tentative):
Introduction (by Workshop Organizers) 15 mins.
Invited Speaker 60 mins.
Break 15 mins.
Paper Presentations (Considering 15 mins. for each paper)
End of Workshop (Vote of Thanks) 15 mins.
Total Time 3 hours 15 mins.