EAI International Workshop on Cybersecurity for National Defense

Workshop Title: “Fortifying the Frontline: Cybersecurity for National Defense”

In an era where digital warfare is as critical as physical combat, “Fortifying the Frontline: Cybersecurity for National Defense” is a pivotal workshop proposed for ICDF2C. This workshop aims to address the burgeoning threats and challenges in national defense cybersecurity, emphasizing advanced protective strategies, threat intelligence, and collaborative defense mechanisms. With the growing sophistication of cyber threats, national defense systems worldwide face unprecedented challenges in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining operational integrity. This workshop brings together experts from military cybersecurity, government agencies, and academic researchers to exchange knowledge, foster innovation, and develop comprehensive cybersecurity frameworks. The focus will be on cutting-edge technologies, emerging threats, and collaborative approaches for a robust national defense cybersecurity strategy. This timely workshop is crucial for staying ahead in the constantly evolving cyber warfare landscape.


  1. Dr. Justin Pelletier, Global Cybersecurity Institute, [email protected]
  2. Christopher Denzer, Professor of Aerospace Science, [email protected]

Primary Contact Person:
Dr. Justin Pelletier

Topics and Scope:
– Cyber Threat Intelligence in National Security
– Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and Countermeasures
– Collaborative Cybersecurity in Allied Defense
– AI and Machine Learning in Cyber Warfare

Submission Dates for Workshop:
Full Paper Submission deadline: 1 July 2024 
Notification deadline: 1 August 2024 
Camera-ready deadline:  1 September 2024 
Start of workshop: 9 October 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                    End of workshop: 10 October 2024

Background and Motivation:
With the digitalization of defense mechanisms, cybersecurity has become a cornerstone of national security. This workshop explores the dynamic and critical intersection of cybersecurity and national defense, focusing on emerging threats, strategic countermeasures, and collaboration among allied forces. The topic is particularly relevant as cyber-attacks have grown in sophistication, posing a significant threat to national security. This workshop has not been organized previously at ICDF2C but is highly pertinent given the current global cybersecurity climate.

We expect the workshop will cater to approximately 20 participants, including cybersecurity experts, military personnel, government officials, and academic researchers. We will emphasize collaboration and participation across NATO. The format includes:

  • A keynote speech by leading cybersecurity expert.
  • Panel discussions on emerging threats and attack/defense strategies.
  • Breakout sessions for in-depth analysis of AI integration with cybersecurity for national defense.
  • Interactive activities to simulate real-world cybersecurity scenarios.
  • Paper presentations from contributing authors.
  • A concluding session summarizing insights and collaborative strategies developed during the workshop.

Selecting Participants:
Participants will be selected based on their expertise and contribution to the field of cybersecurity and national defense. A call for papers and presentations will be issued, with selections made by a program committee comprising renowned experts in cybersecurity. The committee will ensure a diverse and comprehensive representation of perspectives and expertise.

Organizers’ Background:
1. Dr. Justin Pelletier: Expert in cybersecurity for national defense, with dozens of publications and active research in national intelligence and cybersecurity technologies. Former member of the U.S. National Security Council’s Information Systems Sciences Working Group for Modeling and Simulation.
2. Prof. Christopher Denzer: Professor of Aerospace Studies, Rochester Institute of Technology. He is responsible for the leadership, training, and development of cadets seeking commission as second lieutenants in the United States Air and Space Forces

This proposal offers a unique platform for advancing cybersecurity practices in national defense, fostering collaboration, and addressing evolving digital threats.